Termite Bites

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

True love is a commitement,
and any commitment implies effort.

It is not real love,
if there exist no voluntary commitment,
to attend and care for the loved person,

because love is giving,

planning together,

offering what one is and what one has.

Thank you...this has been a long standing prayer for all that cared...

We shall move mountains in that quest, we shall never be alone.
We shall never falter as long as there is love.

For yourself and your others. Do not be selfish.

How can one love others when does not know how to love himself?
How can one stand strong with others, when one cannot stand on their own?

We make what love is, by how we conceive it is, by how we love ourselves.

This is hard to fathom for those who are only in-love, with the idea of being in-love.

Infatuation has it's inaccuracies.

Sometimes you can be blind to the most obvious,
when you put other people's interest before yours.

Do not leave some for yourself,
Jump into it wholeheartedly.

Disappointment has it's value.
Mourning will not guarantee your sunrise.

Some will never accept their mistakes,
they will blame you for what is theirs.

Love is what we make it.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Buffed, Beautiful and Bitchin!